#! /usr/bin/env python # rnaSecStrNussJacAndVienna.py # P.Clote # This code computes the Nussinov Jacobson as well as Vienna # optimal secondary structure of an # RNA sequence together with the list of base pairing positions. # Functions defined in this program: # computeViennaSecStr(rna) # viennaPartitionFun(rna) # evalViennaEnergy(rna,secStr) # computeViennaSecStrAndMFE(rna) #WARNING: I added -d2 to Vienna import sys,os,tempfile,math from misc import DEBUG, GUbond, AUbond, CGbond, INF from misc import THRESHOLD, error, guPair, cgPair, auPair, basePair from misc import watsonCrick, a, list2string, basePairList from misc import RNAeval,RNAfold,RNAsubopt,NORMALIZE from misc import RgasConstant, TEMP, _RT_ def runRNAsubopt(rna,energy=5,printFlag=0): #printFlag is boolean flag whether output of RNAsubopt should be printed tmpfileName = tempfile.mktemp() tmpfile = open(tmpfileName,"w") tmpfile.write(rna) tmpfile.close() cmd = "%s -e %f < %s" % (RNAsubopt,energy,tmpfileName) file = os.popen(cmd) L = [] #L is list of suboptimal secStr line = file.readline() if printFlag: print line[:-1] rna0 = line.split()[0] assert( rna == rna0 ) line = file.readline() while line: if printFlag: print line[:-1] secStr = line.split()[0] L.append(secStr) line = file.readline() return L def computeViennaSecStr(seq): cmd = "echo %s | RNAfold" % seq file = os.popen(cmd) seq0 = file.readline().strip() assert( seq == seq0 ) secStr = file.readline() file.close() positionOfBlank = secStr.find(" ") secStr = secStr[:positionOfBlank] return secStr def viennaPartitionFun(rna): tmpfileName = tempfile.mktemp() tmpfile = open(tmpfileName,"w") tmpfile.write(rna) tmpfile.close() cmd = "%s -p0 < %s" % (RNAfold,tmpfileName) file = os.popen(cmd) file.readline().strip() #first line is the RNA which we already have secStr = file.readline() positionOfBlank = secStr.find(" ") secStr = secStr[:positionOfBlank] freeEnergy = float(file.readline().split()[-2]) Z = math.exp(-freeEnergy/_RT_) mfeFreqInEns = float(file.readline().split()[-1]) file.close() return (secStr,freeEnergy,Z,mfeFreqInEns) def evalViennaEnergy(rna,secStr): #compute the minimum free energy using RNAeval # tmpFileName = tempfile.mktemp() tmpFileName = 'tmp' tmpFile = open(tmpFileName,"w") tmpFile.write("%s\n" % rna) tmpFile.write("%s\n" % secStr) tmpFile.close() cmd = "%s < %s" % (RNAeval,tmpFileName) tmpOutFile = os.popen(cmd) line = tmpOutFile.readline() #discard first line, which is RNA sequence line = tmpOutFile.readline() words = line.split() energy = words[-1] indexLeftParen = energy.find("(") energy = energy[indexLeftParen+1:] indexRightParen = energy.find(")") if indexRightParen >= 0: energy = energy[:indexRightParen] energy = float(energy) #print energy if NORMALIZE: energy = energy/len(rna) tmpOutFile.close() return energy def computeViennaSecStrAndMFE(rna): #compute the minimum free energy using RNAfold tmpFileName = tempfile.mktemp() tmpFile = open(tmpFileName,"w") tmpFile.write("%s\n" % rna) tmpFile.close() cmd = "%s < %s" % (RNAfold,tmpFileName) tmpOutFile = os.popen(cmd) line = tmpOutFile.readline() #discard first line, which is RNA sequence line = tmpOutFile.readline() words = line.split() energy = words[-1] secStr = words[0] indexLeftParen = energy.find("(") energy = energy[indexLeftParen+1:] indexRightParen = energy.find(")") if indexRightParen >= 0: energy = energy[:indexRightParen] energy = float(energy) if NORMALIZE: energy = energy/len(rna) #print energy tmpOutFile.close() return secStr,energy