#! /usr/bin/env python # misc.py # P.Clote # Miscellaneous # Functions defined in this program # error(s) # firstProj(L) # printList(L) # printDict(D) # guPair(x,y) # auPair(x,y) # cgPair(x,y) # basePair(x,y) # watsonCrick(x,y) # a(i,j,s) # getRNA(rna,rnaIsString) # list2string(L) # basePairList(secStr) # numBasePairs(secStr) # compatible(rna,secStr) # mountainLevel(s) # minNumRemovedFromLocallyOpt(rna,s) import sys,os,tempfile,string,copy DEBUG = 0 #RNAfold = 'bin/RNAfold -d2 ' RNAfold = 'RNAfold ' RNAeval = 'bin/RNAeval -d2 ' RNAsubopt = 'bin/RNAsubopt -d2 ' RNAshapes = 'bin/RNAshapes ' NORMALIZE = 0 #normalize energies by sequence length RgasConstant = 0.0019872370936902486 #kcal per mol per K TEMP = 310.1 #temperature _RT_ = 0.0019872370936902486 * 310.1 GUbond = -1 AUbond = -1 CGbond = -1 INF = sys.maxint THRESHOLD = 3 #for i and j to basepair, |i-j| >= THRESHOLD def error(s): print "%s" % s sys.exit(1) def firstProj( L ): #projects first coordinate of tuple, list or sequence return L[0] #used together with function map def printList(L): for x in L: print x def printDict(D): keys = D.keys() keys.sort() for key in keys: print key,D[key] def guPair(x,y): return ( x=='G' and y=='U' or x=='U'and y=='G' ) def auPair(x,y): return ( x=='A' and y=='U' or x=='U'and y=='A' ) def cgPair(x,y): return ( x=='G' and y=='C' or x=='C'and y=='G' ) def basePair(x,y): return auPair(x,y) or cgPair(x,y) or guPair(x,y) def watsonCrick(x,y): return auPair(x,y) or cgPair(x,y) def a(i,j,s): if i": line = file.readline() return line.strip().upper() def list2string(L): s = string.join(L,'') return s def basePairList(secStr): L = []; stack = [] for i in range(len(secStr)): if secStr[i]=="(": stack.append(i) elif secStr[i]==")": x = stack.pop() #return and pop end of stack L.append( (x,i) ) return L def numBasePairs(secStr): count = 0 for ch in secStr: if ch=='(': count += 1 return count def compatible(rna,secStr): #whether secStr is compatible with rna sequence #secStr is string assert len(rna)==len(secStr) S = basePairList(secStr) for (i,j) in S: if not basePair(rna[i],rna[j]): return 0 return 1 def mountainLevel(s): #s is sec str as a string, ie ((...)) D = {} n = 0; D[0] = [] levels = [] for i in range(len(s)): if s[i]=="(": n += 1 elif s[i]==")": n -= 1 if n not in D.keys(): D[n] = [i] levels.append(n) else: D[n].append(i) levels.append(n) return levels,D def minNumRemovedFromLocallyOpt(rna,s): #Computes minimum number of base pairs which can be added to #obtain a locally optimal sec str #rna is RNA sequence, uppercase, s is secStr as string levels,D = mountainLevel(s) keys = D.keys() keys.sort() count = 0; minCount = len(rna); maxCount = -1; found = 0 for key in keys: m = len(D[key]) for i in range(m-1): for j in range(i+1,m): x = D[key][i]; y = D[key][j] free = (s[x]=="." and s[y]==".") if abs(y-x)>THRESHOLD and free and basePair(rna[x],rna[y]): found = 1 sNew = s[:x]+"("+s[x+1:y]+")"+s[y+1:] (a,b) = minNumRemovedFromLocallyOpt(rna,sNew) count = a+1 if count < minCount: minCount = count LminCount = copy.deepcopy(b) LminCount.append( (x,y) ) if not found: #found=1 means that current structure is loc opt return (0,[]) else: return (minCount,LminCount) def basePairDistBetweenDotBracketNotations(secStr1,secStr2): X = basePairList(secStr1) Y = basePairList(secStr2) sum = 0 for bp in X: if bp not in Y: sum += 1 for bp in Y: if bp not in X: sum += 1 return sum def main(rna,s): levels,D = mountainLevel(s) print rna print s print levels printDict(D) count = 0 for k in D.keys(): count += len(D[k]) print "Total count: %d" % count if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 3: text = """Usage: %s rna secStr 1) rna is RNA string 2) secStr is balanced paren secondary structure representation """ text = text % sys.argv[0] print text sys.exit(1) else: rna = sys.argv[1].upper() #RNA sequence as a string secStr = sys.argv[2] print minNumRemovedFromLocallyOpt(rna,secStr) main(rna,secStr)